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Be Curious

Mindfulness helps you recognize how thoughts and emotions impact your actions and the choices you make. Mindful awareness is turning curiosity inward to discover your authentic self. Through self inquiry you are able to shine the light on your habituated patterns to discover your capacity to let go and choose. As you explore different areas of your life with curiosity and mindful awareness you discover the possibility for ease and flow in situations that previously caused stress and dissatisfaction.

Whether it is personal or professional, physical or emotional, digital or spiritual certain principles apply. The goal is the same for all of it…to approach every situation from integrity, allow for transformation and foster insight and wisdom. This is relevant to your spiritual practice, personal values, family commitment, business mission and community involvement. We can create new mental-emotional ‘structures’ that we use to engage in every aspect of our lives.

Once mindful awareness is cultivated, then insight, creativity, equanimity, love and wisdom arise from your process of self inquiry into daily circumstances. You will align your attentions by shifting from self gratification or self protection to becoming aware of the situation, recognizing you have choice rather than reacting from an emotional trigger and discovering the space to respond from the deepest part of yourself. You will find that you have more capacity to see other perspectives, to have compassion for yourself and then compassion for others will naturally arise. You will find it easier to apply your natural curiosity to see how you can offer something unique to serve and support a difficult situation and all of the participants rather than simply reacting to protect or gratify your personal ego.

Through mindful awareness you eventually discover how to be in alignment in all aspects of your being. Art of Conscious Attention is a guide to help integrate your personal recognition with your daily experiences.

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